We had an action packed weekend in the Crowsnest Pass, Saturday Amanda and I taught a beginner Agility session which was really fun, the dogs and handlers all did really well and hopefully we have peaked some more interest in that area.
Sunday was the Rally-O Sweeps, Lawrence Klassen was the judge, the rules were CKC based. Jane, Kaleb and Gyp were entered in both the Novice and Advanced level, it was Gyp's Rally debut!! There were roughly 20 dogs entered in each level.
Jane came out one top in Novice and Advanced scoring 99 in each time!! Jane just loves Rally, too bad she isn't CKC registrable, perhaps I could pass her off as a Rat Terrier??? She won 60 bucks for her efforts! Wicca was a close second to Jane each time - Jane actually beat her in time (the only time that will happen).
Kaleb and Gyp tied for third in Novice with a score of 98 - Gyp beat him by two seconds so she got third, he got fourth. I was so happy with Gyp, what a great debut! She even won some $$$
Then Came Advanced ....
All off leash, the course was super fun and once again Jane scored 99. Kaleb and Gyp were on there way to a 97 each until I cut a sign off with Gyp and we NQd!!! But again, she was great, and heeled and listened like a pro. I couldn't be happier with her efforts!!!
THEN Kaleb's turn ... the bugger had a total "flat-coat moment", turning to the end of the course on the last sign, he assumed the people chatting and laughing were wanting him to come and greet them - that is not what they wanted - TWEET - NQ!!!!!!
Then we had a fun MIX n MATCH!! We drew other dogs names and had to try our hand at running them!!!
I drew: Baylee - Judy's 11.75 old Golden and Deb's Walker, a gorgeous young German Shepherd.
Baylee is great, I was patient and calm with her as she is older but very willing, we scored a perfect 100!!!! And brought home the LOOT!! It was split between Judy and I, I was very honoured to handle Baylee!!

Then Walker, wow what a NICE dog!!! I think we scored a 98!! And we got second in the sweeps!

My sister Laura is visiting, she is moving from Victoria to Fort McMurray. So she got to come hang out at the dog events over the weekend! SHe even tried Rally and drew KIPPER as her dog, they scored 82!

Pretty dam good for a girl that had never tried rally before and doesn't own a dog!!!
Judy drew Gyp and had a fun time with her!!!
Kim drew Jane!!!! Waht a difference from the Berners! Jane is less than the size of Bosley's head! Kim did great, and Jane had fun too!!!

Then ... there is Kaleb, of course he had to be drawn by the JUDGE! Kaleb is a MAMA's BOY, and sometimes has a hard time listening to other people, especially a stranger, he is smart and tries to push as many buttons as he can, and since he is so sued to the way I handle, the NEW GUY handles differently so K was a little confused!!!

It was really fun to see my guys with other people, we will have to try that more often!!!!!!! SAWHDA did a great job and we all had a fun time!!