Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
the happy huntress
for a terrier, spring means one thing.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
a little goes a long way.
if i'm not having a great day, i can take the dogs for a run and an ounce of their happiness goes a long way :)
i'm a little nutty at the best of times, i couldn't imagine my life if i didn't have them.
Monday, May 24, 2010
An Agility Rollercoaster of a weekend!
We've got a month until Regionals and for the first time in a long while, I am excited for it, considering a few weeks ago I was considering pulling out, now I know I won't be doing that. I still have lots to work on, and this weekend gave me some good ideas for what I need to improve on. I am so grateful I was able to get my brace for this weekend as I was really able to take it for a good test drive. My plan is to now work on small skills and build up for the week before regionals and give them that last week off as I always do, so hopefully we will all be fresh and relaxed.
Friday, May 21, 2010
the crew is ready ...
We are heading to an Agility Trial this weekend, and it is supposed to rain the whole weekend. YUCK!
I've packed my rainsuit, my rubber boots and lots of socks.
... atleast the dogs will enjoy running it.
Well except for Jane, she gets to stay home with her dad and cuddle all weekend. Retirement is good she says.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Fight or Flight?

Monday, May 17, 2010
a REAL working dog.
Jenny sent me photos of her dad working as the setout dog at the Bluegrass Classic in Kentucky. From what I know it is one of the biggest Trials in the US. Jenny said the sheep were really tough and it was hot, and Pete worked his butt off the whole time.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
In the Ring.
Friday we started with Open. I wasn't overly nervous, but I was intimidated. I was quiet in the run with k, not my usual goofy self with him. I was told not to overdo the play in transitions between exersizes. But after watching some of the golden retriever handlers I knew I could do way mire and actually have FUN and get more physical with him. His routine was pretty good, not the best ever, but not horrible. He was distraced over the broad jump and pretty much realzied he was on it as he was on the first plank, then he jumped over the last two. I had him set up too close after watching what the other handlers did. His out of sight stays were good, he barked 5 times in the sits and 3 times in the downs. The judge took off 5 marks. If he would have done the broad jump correctly and with full marks he would have had a 192.
Rally in the afternoon went well our first time in Advanced B. It was refreshing to talk to him in the ring. He finished tied for 3rd out of 14 dogs.
I drove here and bak each day, 8 hours of driving over the 2 days, but let me tell you it was nce to sleep in my bed and have a whole night to chill.
Saturday we started with Open again and I tried a new experiment. Do the same routine I do for agility DUH - bark, play and be fast getting to the ring! I got him to bark outside the ring and move around lots and play, play, play! Our routine was much better. He got perfect marks in 4 exersizes!! His drop on recall was spot on, then he saw something in the floor took 2 steps and layed back down. So we got a big fat zero. His out of sight stays were much better only 2 barks in the sits and 1 bark in the down. It wa awesome the judge told hum to be quiet, I think it helped!!!! Again if he would have got full marks on the drop on recall, he would ended with a 193.
We had another Rally run in the afternoon, again same strategy - bark, quick getting the ring while playing and he had a nice run. He got a 99 and placed 2nd of 14 for his second Q.
I'm thrilled with my boy and couldn't be happier. I enjoyed hanging with friends and watching their dogs too!, we are NOT our most comfortable in the obedience ring, but i think with some more experience we will get better.. I'm so excited to get back in the ring this summer. I think we can do it!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
summer is near ...
and i have proof!
the dogs are panting! wonderful slobbery, wet panting!
finally! the it's warm enough for the dogs to actually pant. and i might have actually gotten a bit of a tan this week too :)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
facing my fear.
"Decide that you want it
more than you are afraid of it."
~ Bill Cosby

Birthday Girl
Sunday, May 9, 2010
You're in southern Alberta when ...
Thursday, May 6, 2010
art is what you can get away with.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
K-man went in for his "Geriatric" work at the Vet yesterday ... I hate that word. I get visions of old people dying in hospital beds, I dunno, just not a nice word to me. Though maybe it is because I have issues with things getting older and dying, but that is a whole other session on the leather couch. Kaleb is 8 years old, but age is just a number as far as he is concerned.
Monday, May 3, 2010
gone to the dogs.
Saturday Amanda organized an Obed/rally fun match here in town, I just stayed for the Obedience part. K is entered in Open for the first time in a couple weeks (GULP), and the more ring experience the better - for me more than him! I am happy to report he was great! He scored a 194.5, barked 3 times in his out of sight stays and was overall a very good boy. I just need to remember to keep my body a little less animated on recalls etc. Jane was amazing in Novice, retirement has been good to her, she placed 1st and scored a 197.5, won a super cool toy and Gyppie scored a 193 for 4th place. I'm feeling more confident about getting in the ring now. We've done 3 full run throughs in 2 weeks, and each time is better. Here's hoping we can keep it together in 2 weeks from now. I've got a list of reminders like I use in Agility, and hopefully that will help me keep my cool.
Sunday I heading up to Calgary with Gyppie for Terry Simon's seminar, it ran in a Trial format with feedback after each run. We ran 3 Challenge courses and 1 Mas. Jumpers. Gyp ran great, but was really tired by the end of the day. I pushed myself and was happy with most of my handling, lots of crazy discrimination, and lots of tough handling to be had (lots of cool things to set up again). The funniest thing was her 20/20 on the Table, she jumps up right into position ... um perhaps we should train that differently? She was the only dog in the seminar to Q in the second and third Challenge classes we ran - I don't run for the Qs, I let the cards fall as they may, and they fell good on those 2 runs. She always gives me 110%, and I was happy I was able to to do the same for her this weekend. My knee was pretty sore in the morning, but by the afternoon, it didn't feel to bad, I'm getting more used to my brace each time I run in it.
I stayed overnight at Jan and Dave's Sunday night, and Gyp fit right in with their shelties :)
Gyppie had an appointment with Dr.Devall this morning so it saves another trip to Calgary if I can do it all at once. Dr. Devall took about an hour with us and did some adjustments on Gyp, some laser on her lower lumbar area as well as some acupuncture. Gyp just loves her and follows her around the room begging for more cookies. I wanted to take her in to checked out after a hard day of running - so I know what I am dealing with. And yesterday's courses were more than she would run in a single days training or at a Trial in one day. She was a little sore in her lower lumbar, and her inner thigh area - just tired muscles - well so are mine, her neck was loosy-goosy and her shoulders felt good too. After Treatment she re-checked her and things seem to have loosened up, so that is good! I have some chinese herbs that combined with her other supplements should help with fast recovery times after heavy exercise. I think I might take them for myself too LOL I am fascinated with the kind of preventative treatments we can do with our dogs to keep them in top shape. She goes back next month and hopefully her and I will be in tip-top shape come regionals. I see my massage therapist tomorrow and my MRI is Thursday this week, I'm anxious, nervous and excited to get a (hopefully) final diagnosis on my knee and area issues.
Now back to regular scheduled reality ...