I love this shot that a friend took at the Specialty, I just found it today ... some of Kaleb's biggest fans are in the background :)
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Whoopin' it up!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
i'm on a horse.
Hello, fans, look at your dog, now back to me, now back at your dog, now back to me. Sadly, your dog isn’t me, but if your dog stopped using cheap shampoo and switched to mine, he could smell like he’s me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re on a boat with the dog, your dog could smell like me. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an oyster with two tickets to that thing you love. Look again, the tickets are now dog cookies. Anything is possible when your dog smells like me.
I’m on a horse.
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We took part in our Local Parade advertising our Demos at the Fair for the week ... here are some highlights
Jane and her pal Charlie ...
"She doesn't have to walk, she is a professional"
was the best quote heard from a kid in the crowd
Donna, Aislyn and Charlie (horse)
Gyp doing her thing and greeting people and loving every second of it.
Kaleb doing his thing, soaking children with his toxic slobber...
Monday, August 23, 2010
puppy fever
i visited blazingstar this weekend for a puppy fix ... i thought a puppy fix was supposed to curb my want for a pup. um, i want a pup even more!
ding dang they r cute.
me cat. me pup.
and Tinbie .. he's not a pup but I could steal him anyway :)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Mama's don't let your babies grow up to be Kaleb.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Proof is on the Podium
Friday, August 13, 2010
let the good times roll
and those good times are rollin' in deer shit.
ooohhh yaaaa.
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52 Weeks for Dogs
I loved this shot 'cause you can kind of see Jane's toothless grin, pure joy, baby, pure joy.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Post-traumatic Nationals DIsorder
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I am the man.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
We're back from Nationals ...
We're back from AAC Nationals! I am so tired ... I took a whopping 4 photos. Yep 4.... you'd think having a National in our backyard would be more relaxing, not so, I have never been this tired after a National! I'm super f'ing exhausted and sore, but equally super f'ing happy, which makes it all worth it.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
We're off to Nationals ...
Kaleb has to run the Pre-Qualifier (6 runs - or as many runs as it takes to get 350 points - I'm hoping for 4) because of his Torsion in June, he was only 10 days into recovering during Regionals. He is running AWESOME (knock on wood - wood being, Kaleb's noggin). So by Friday afternoon I'll know if he's running the rest of the weekend.
Gyp has been running really well and we are in a nice groove, so hopefully we can maintain that through the weekend.
We have 6 dogs going from Go! Dog! Go! and 3 from Flashing Canines .. we are all benching together and have come up with a fun name for the occasion ...

I've painted my toes, bought the large amount of booze necessary for each night, the dogs are rested, just starting to pack, I think we're ready!!
I will TRY to update each day on the Go Dog Go blog > Check it out!
Monday, August 2, 2010
We're Back! Well, for 4 days ....
We spent the week at the Regional and Canadian FCR Specialties at Spruce Meadows. We got to meet so many friends and see many wonderful flat-coats!!
Kaleb had a great Specialty, beyond anything I would have imagined, having him there participating was good enough for me!
Wednesday, Regional Specialty:
- Kaleb won his Veterans Male 7-9 Class, made the cut in Breed and went on to win Best of Opposite in Specialty!! It was thrilling under Judge Vivianne Bowen (Clandrift), England. Considering he is Neutered and has shaved spots I was thrilled! She commented on his hard physical condition, a workman-like type dog.
- He also placed 2nd in the Working Retriever Class.
Thursday Rally Obedience:
- K scored a 99, High in Class and Finished his Rally Advanced Title, he placed 2nd in the Afternoon class with another qualifier.
Friday National Specialty:
- K placed 4th in a large Veteran Sweeps class under Judge Alice Andrews
- Kaleb placed 3rd in his vet Male 7-9 class under Judge James Irvine.
Kaleb also took part in the Judges seminar, where they discuss the dogs they judged and what they liked and didn't like about the dogs! It was a cool experience and to hear each judge's interpretation of why they made their choices as they did.
Kaleb also earned the Beauty and Brains award for placing in both Conformation and a Performance event.
I was a little worried about him on the last day at the event as he seemed a little lethargic ... we headed back to our friends place for an Agility seminar ... there was nothing wrong wih him, I think he was just getting bored at the show ... he was a maniac on the Agility Field. I'm so glad to have my boy back, it was an amazing experience this weekend.
Another weekend at Spuce Meadows this weekend, I'm home for 4 days, then off to the AAC Agility Nationals!!