Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Year in review ...
Conformation indicates what the animal appears to be.
But performance indicates what the animal actually is."
Motivating and discouraging all at the same time, you just have to take what you can, and for me I am motivated to do better, and the things I am discouraged by, are the same things that motivate me to be better!!! If you don't admit you have things to work on or avoid the things that are difficult you, or make excuses and say you and your dog can't do something, you will never improve, and that for me was something she really emphasized, so homework here I come!!!!

More Presents!!
16 things.

1. i don't like combo birthday and christmas gifts
2. my favourite colour is red, or black.
3. i am a vegetarian.
4. i don't wear leather.
5. i've been told by a psychic that i am a little odd, she assured me that was a good thing.
6. my dogs have middle names: Jane "Monty" (after my childhood pet rabbit - he died on the day Jane was born), Kaleb "Ramone" (his mom is Ramona, we considered calling him Ramone, and I like the band), Gyp "Neena" (the name I wanted to call her, but she came with the name Gyp, after 2 months of pondering names, it stayed Gyp:) )
7. At one time I had 10 piercings.
8. I am a mix of British, Polish, Czech, Cree, Sioux, French and a dash of Scottish for good measure, I suppose you could call me a mutt.
9. I still have my wisdom teeth.
10. I am working on my top 10 Greatest Movie list, don't have them all yet. Yes Spaceballs, Christmas Vacation and The Color Purple rank top 10.
11. I am a Graphic Designer by day
12. My passion is all things dog. Dog training, and dog Agility, and various other sports - involving dogs, it is beyond a hobby for me.
13. My favourite saying is "nothing changes, if nothing changes"
14. I am not "married", but have been with my guy for over 12 years.
15. I have big feet.
16. This photo is real, and I didn't get licked in the face.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Happy Birthday to all!
It was Gyp's 4th birthday yesterday and she had a nice day of extra treats, licking a breakfast plate or two followed by a nice run, and lots of attention from the visitors at our place, we had 14 over the holidays.
But when it is one dog's birthday, they all get the same treatment it seems, though Gyp got an extra special toy which the others didn't, followed by unlimited fetching, which is a daily occurrence, but it is even better when there are guests to throw and play all day!!!
In this photo Gyp and Jane are snuggling with my cousin Jake, the ladies man :)
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
my christmas misfits ...
Monday, December 22, 2008
Border Collies do things differently.
Gyp enjoyed wearing this Santa hat around the house the other day, even when it slipped under her chin like Santa's beard, she just went with it. Total trendsetter.
i can take a hint, mr. glovehead.
it snowed again last night, Kaleb has the right idea.
These are my snow-shoveling gloves, and he loves to carry them around, he knows it leads to going outside.
If only I could teach him to shovel.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
jane in clay.
my Christmas craft to myself, i made a mini Jane, in clay :) Now she can watch over everyone, more than she already does :)
as seen with a picture of herself in the background, naturally.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
my little elf.
Jane my little elf. Spunky, spry and full of beans this morning.
Jane had her surgery to remove her incisor yesterday, she came through like a champ, we had put it off a month as she was being treated for an infection from the first time her blood work came back, so the surgery was postponed.
This time the blood work was fine. There was concern because she has a heart murmur.
The vet said while she was still intibated - they didn't think she would wake up so fast - she popped up and sat, looked around like no big deal, her heart is very strong, and they said she was raring to go, just minutes after. Last night she was even running around the house again, I am so glad it all went well!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Winter is Fun, for some ...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
In disguise.

Monday, December 15, 2008
My 6th Photo Story...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Jane's favs ...
2. Spooning. Under the bed covers, under the blanket on the couch, or laying on my lap while I work, like right now.
3. The sound of her buffalo bones coming out of the freezer for breakfast. Those bones are toothbreaking good. Or the sound of the dog dishes getting ready for their meals.
4.Wanna gopher a walk? The best kind involve going in the car first, but she is happy to bebop around the 'hood on our daily adventures.
5. Being with me. She loves to please and happily goes along to do pretty much whatever I ask, not because she likes me, but mostly because she gets food, but even more so it means GYP and kaleb aren't getting a turn.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
If they were humanoids.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Hot Dog.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Single White Female.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Infatuation is the state of being completely carried away by unreasoned passion or love; addictive love. Usually one is inspired with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone.
Infatuation is common emotion characterized by unrealistic expectations without positive relationship growth or development. In the case of infatuation there is more often than not an obsessor and an object of desire (generally unattainable).
One may come to the conclusion that unlike love infatuation is not mutual.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
jane and the drive-by.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Down on the Farm.

Jane also was security this weekend. Jane runs a tight ship when it comes to keeping the dog, handler and sheep in the pen. She keeps the other humans and dogs waiting their turns, on the other side. Between guarding the fence, she would find more stuff to roll in.