Monday, January 31, 2011
"Dog" is my Homework

Sunday, January 30, 2011
my little dog ...
... a heartbeat at my feet.
It's been 4 months since her diagnosis of CHF (Congestive Heart Failure) she is still having more good days than bad, and we cherish every one of them. She is enjoying the simple things like, car rides, cuddles and eating what ever the hell she wants (healthy choices).
She has had a couple near fainting spells in the last 3 days, which is awful and scary - and new. She gets winded so easily now and we have to be so careful not getting her too excited. But amazingly, she still has energy, is eating well, and still has the sparkle in her eyes. She is noticeably losing some muscle mass now, especially in her back end - though she has gained a bit of weight back in the last 2 months.
She also has a loose tooth. Our Vet won't take it out as she is too high risk and fragile, so she has been referred too 2 specialists in Calgary, but at this time we have decided to leave it be. Since we changed her food again, she is not biting at her skin and the tooth seems to not be bugging her like it was 2 weeks ago.
I can't imagine the thought of not having her by my side and waking up with her every morning. I'm not sure how to even go about missing her when she's gone, and that scares the crap out of me. This sounds strange, but I've never really lost anyone super close to me, my Great-Grandma lived to be 102 and while it was sad, she went peacefully in her sleep. My dad's, dad passed away when I was 3. Pete's Grandpa passed away when we were in College, and that was hard as I knew him well.
Wow that's a morbid topic for a Sunday, but I just needed to get it out.
So for now, we just love little Janer every second of the day :)
Friday, January 28, 2011
splish, splash i was takin' bath ...
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Fountain of Youth!
I think Kaleb has found the Fountain of Youth - I believe it's located in some snow and mud in Pavan Park. I think he's like Benjamin Button - and is reverse aging!
9 years going on 5 months ... I love this photo ... the only give away that is that bit 'o frosting on the chin. I thought this pic from the other day was just soooo cute with his Puppy Face! I get the Lady Gaga song Poker Face in my head when I look at this photo ... I want to sing... P-p-p-puppy face, p-p-p-puppy face!
Monday, January 24, 2011
she looks like an angel, but talks like a sailer.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Winter Winds
Thursday, January 20, 2011
the K-man is numero uno x 2!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Feeding time...
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
another little thing...
As part of my goal to enjoy the little things this year ...
I love Gyp's pointy little "ski jump" nose (as my mom calls it) is one of my favs things about Gyp, well that and her overly large big feet.
Sometimes she looks like a puppy that never grew fully out of her little 17" body.
Monday, January 17, 2011
2011 has begun ...
It was the first trial of the year this past weekend. I had K entered in just 5 runs. He was great - ran with his usual Kaleb flair, kept me on my toes and kept me laughing. He brought home a Q in Masters Gamblers and Jumpers.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Life as Gyp knows it ...
Monday, January 10, 2011
I admit it, I'm in Therapy.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
The Real Kaleb.
Monday, January 3, 2011
- 2010. a year in point form.
- first trial of the year, knee goes BOOM
- drank lots of wine
- Jane is being treated for her recently diagnosed Gall Stone of all things.
- in physio 2x a week
- in physio 2x a week
- worked on distance and directionals with the dogs as I couldn't run yet
- drank lots of wine
- in physio 1x a week
- YAY I can hobble around an agility course, let's enter!
- Meet with the Ortho surgeon, he thinks is just a bad sprain
- WOW! Gyp earns her "Silver Award of Merit" despite her gimpy handler!
- Still hobbling and doing great at distance work
- Kim runs Gyp in Jumpers, nails it.
- MRI Results: Torn Meniscus, ACL completely gone.
- Bar-Knee!!!!!! The best thing to happen to me since a padded bra.
- Ran my first Jumpers courses since January, and if felt great!
- Entered the K-man in his first 2 CDX trials, no Qs but he did GREAT!
- Training hard for Regionals
- I can do front crosses again thanks to Bar-Knee!!!
- Kaleb gets Torsion (GDV) and has emergency surgery, I drink more wine.
- Gyp wins Regionals for the second year on a row, runs 6 clean runs. Second highest points of all open dogs entered.
- Kaleb is in recovery and getting back into shape
- Jane breaks a tooth, goes in to have it removed and ends up having a back molar abscessed and half gone. Three teeth removed. Scary because of her heart murmur.
- Kaleb makes his comeback at the FCRSC and FCRSAlberta Specialties .... what a comeback it was. Took Best of Opposite in the Regioanal Specialty show. Finished his RA with a HIC and some other placements in Conformation. Earns a Beauty and Brains Award.
- Kaleb enters the Agility ring for the first time at Nationals, in the pre-qualifier - and does it in 4 runs!! K places 19/56 for the weekend
- Gyp places 3rd in a very competitive class of 53 at Nationals
- Jane is diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure
- Kaleb earns his: Gold Standard (50th Masters Standard), Silver Snooker, Silver Jumpers awards
- in 2.5 trials since his torsion - and 12 Qs, Kaleb earns his "Gold Award of Merit", making him the first FCR in Canada to do so. What a guy.
- not alot going on - trying to regroup, no trialing, no agility training
- Gyp passes her certification as a St. John Therapy Dog!!
- Prepping Kaleb for the Open Obedience ring.
- Attend 8 day "Canine Bodyworker Certification Course" - and still currently working on my externship YAY!
- Kaleb is entered in 4 Open Trials and gets his first 2 legs!
- Kaleb earns his "Rally Excellent TItle" - and with a perfect score of 100 to boot!
- Gyp is off with an injury to be determined
- Kaleb earns his CDX!! I still can't believe it. I keep thinking I need still needs to do this.
- Kaleb is the #1 FCR in CKC Rally Obedience for 2010
- Gyp has an Iliospoas strain and is off Agility minimum 3 months.
- Jane is still doing well :)
- 2010 was a year of ups and downs, but the ups were plenty and we dealt with the downs the best we could.
- 2011 edition is in the making.
- thanks for reading.
i won't back down
Sunday, January 2, 2011
YAY! it's 2011 (insert sarcasm here)
Jane's health. The unknown scares me and I just cherish everyday with her. 2010 started with a diagnosis from the Internal specialist in Calgary with a Gall Stone, having 3 teeth pulled in the summer and being diagnosed with CHF. It's been almost 4 months since she diagnosed and I don't know how many more we will get. I try not to think about it and so do what we do, day to day.
Kaleb is approaching 9, though not acting like an old dog I am realistic about it. I am so thankful he is back better than ever and my frame of mind changed after almost losing him, and I feel closer to him than ever before. We accomplished more together than I ever thought possible, he truly is an amazing dog. He has earned every big title possible that he can almost ever get - around 40 titles .... Where do we go next? He has nothing to prove, but as long as he is having fun and healthy, we will keep playing :)
And my Gyppie girl ... Out now 2 months and who knows how long until she will get back to training. We have fun doing her physio exercises, it is something for her to do and for us to do together. I miss seeing her run laps around in the field bounding through the tall grass. I am thankful we have the Therapy Dog work as it is some nice one on one time for us. She might not see the agility ring this year at all if the timing works how I think it might, and that makes me really sad.
And then there is me. It's been almost a year since I blew my knee - January 9th ... Not that I'm keeping track or anything. One year later and I still live with daily pain from my meniscus tear and compensation for no ACL. I am scheduled for surgery in February. The jury is still undecided if I will go for the full reconstruction of the ACL or just do the cartilage repair. 6 weeks vs. 6 months. Either way I am sick about it. I hated the feeling last year not being able to run, it wasn't until May that I could - but if I learned anything last year it was - I CAN FUCKING DO IT. All I know is the next month will involve me getting stronger at the gym in preparation for it. I hate the thought of not being in the agility ring, driving, walking the dogs etc. We haven't trialed since September and I only started trialing again in March - 5 months of trialing in 2010. It was a short trial year, but despite that, we were darn successful. I just don't want to relive last year, but it looks like I might have too.
I have Kaleb entered in a trial in 2 weeks and I am really having a hard time convincing myself to go. I miss running Gyp more than you can imagine. It might be my last trial for many months and I just worry I will lose the love for the game. I want to hide and avoid the whole experience, it is a really odd feeling and I am not sure what is going on with myself.
This isn't really the new years post I had in mind ... I'm going to look back at our accomplishments for 2010 - so many i am so proud of, and despite some adversity did more than we could have imagined!! It will help me to see it all written down in front of me. I didn't put the super positive spin on this post I was hoping too, I just need a few days to really absorb the past, the present and the future .... and reflect on it myself.
I want to make 2011 a year to remember ... enjoy the small things, and take time to stop and smell the roses.