Thursday, March 31, 2011
look ma, no Stitches!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
When flat-coats attack.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Driving Miss Daisy
Friday, March 25, 2011
Look what I can do! Look what I can do!
• This week I went for lunch with Liz, my first field trip in 9 days - it was nice to be among the living - tomorrow another field trip with Jane and Pete ... to the Pet Store!! How exciting :)
Sunday, March 20, 2011
An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.

Friday, March 18, 2011
me, myself and i
Gyppie still can't do free running, so while I was playing ball with Kaleb poor Gyppie had to wait and watch ... but being the good Border Collie she is, she stays put in one spot ... she just enjoys barking her head off in frustration. So do I.
We'll continue rehabbing together, and we'll be back in the ring, better than ever!
Gyp has been on restricted exersize since November due to a groin pull (Psoas group of muscles), she now has the go ahead to do more extented strength and endurance exersizes and we'll see how her muscles holds up. It's been hard work, but it will all be worth it in the end.
Even with my surgery I am still able to do all her stretching, and thankfully I have the best guy in the world who takes her and Kaleb jogging everynight :)
I do my exercises 3 times a day right now, so Gyp and I do ours together - Kaleb does them too, to keep him in shape.
I feel pretty good - there is really no pain at all in my knee, it hurt worse last week before the surgery.
I was able to bend it another 4" yesterday compared to day 2. So I'm hoping in the next day or two I am able to bend it another 2 or 3".
I stopped taking the Tylenol 3s on Wednesday after barf-fest 2011. Now I am just taking Advil, and actually just Advil Cold & Sinus as I have a wicked head cold.
It was a good day yesterday, Pete's sister dropped me off an edible Arrangement made of fruit that is dipped in chocolate, presented as a bouquet .... ya I ate it all. My neighbor brought me over a fruit basket which was super nice, and Kaleb proceeded to jump at it, grabbed a Banana and high tailed it to the yard - it was classic Kaleb. I think I must stink because my mom brought me some new lounging clothes, apparently wearing the same thing for 3 days isn't a good thing?? I like visitors .... it makes the days go much quicker.
Well back to the couch I go - today I am getting back to some work - which I am actually looking forward too, now that I have my brain function MOSTLY back.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
The big "knee-veal".

"you did good mama, way to go"
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Surgery Day
Monday, March 14, 2011
Hey Doc, i'm ready.
Sort of like packing for an Agility Trial ... but not nearly as fun.
Crutches. Old gross Teddy Bear named Odie that I've had since I was 4. My playlist on "iKaleb", pretty slippers and cute pants (thanks for the tip D), a good book, and an obscene amount of wine.
age is nuthin' but a number.
9 years young, and still giv'en 'er. 63 in dog years that is.
I hope when I'm 63 I can still run like that :)
I go in for knee surgery this week, so I am cherishing my last few days of running with the dogs, and looking forward to when I can go "balls to the wall" again, as they say :)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
9 lives
Today is Kaleb's 9th Birthday! Hard to believe it, really.
I say 9 lives because of all the things we've done together - travelled to both coasts and swam in each. He is a Regional Agility winning dog, and has taken me to the National Podium twice, he has more titles on his name than I can even remember. He lived through Torsion and came back better than ever. He is my Iron Man. My buddy, and the best face washer ever.
Here's to many more lives, buddy.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
We'll be back.
Monday, March 7, 2011
The Agility Gods didn't strike, phew.
seems like these 2 dogs understand this ... again there is nothing else for them to take, I would never do this if there was equipment behind them to lock on to - I believe in not taking my eyes off my dog - so this is REALLY out of my comfort zone. But, hell it got a tight turn, so why not live on the edge a little? And the way I think about it, I can't really screw Kaleb up, he's already as nutty as they come, and so am I ... we make a good team.