caught in the act.
Kaleb's toy stealing tactics apparently include grabbing Gyp's ear.
I love the he sees me catching him do it, though it didn't phase him, SIGH.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Nationals Photos

photos by: CLphotography
2008 AAC National Championships
Sussex, New Brunswick
I wasn't sure if I was going to order my pics or not, so I thought about just getting a couple, but for not much more I got all of the ring photos and the podium ones too, as well as the logo so I can add it in to my photos.
These are great agility photos, and I was so impressed with all of their photos, they do a great job, you should check out their website!!

You can see more of them on my flickr site - there are so many good ones, I've just uploaded a few.
sam i am
sam had his very own photo shoot yesterday, he was happy to be the star of the show! he is a very photogenic dog, his uniqueness in personality and colouring shine through in his photos. he is probably the most animated dog i have ever met, and he leaves an impression with everyone he meets, if he wasn't a corgi, I would swear he was part flat-coat :)
I'll be uploading more photos of sammers to my flickr site:
you can learn more about sam on Amanda's blog
Monday, August 25, 2008
Jump Off
Gold medal (wink) runs of Wicca, Gyp and Kaleb to come ...
Friday, August 22, 2008
sometimes ...
Thursday, August 21, 2008

OMG, i just watched history!
Eric Lamaze and Hickstead WON individual gold in Show Jumping!!! And a Team Silver!!! No one deserves it more than him he ran 3 clean rounds (including the jump off) in the FASTEST times - Canada's FIRST GOLD in Show Jumping. Such an incredible journey for him.
Know I know how people feel when they watch Hockey, I am so excited I can't even stand it!!!!!!!!

I might have even squealed and jumped up and down and started to cry, but I'm not telling.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Waterton Fun...
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Garbage Guts and travel stress ...
AKA ... Severe Bacterial Enteritis, that is what Kaleb has.
Kaleb had really bad "runs" Monday and a but Sunday - even somewhat explosive, nice, and we travelled for a good part of the day Monday which was stressful.
I figured he was just tired Tuesday from the flight, so him and Gyp slept most of Tuesday, but when there was no poop to pick up in the yard Weds. AM I got suspicious. Around 1pm yesterday he barfed up what seemed to be his breakfast as well as his supper, a REALLY large amount of food, more than 1 meal.
Normally if he throws up, 10 minutes later he is back to his dork self, not this time.
I called the Vet, that said to make sure it does not get worse, call back in the AM, I made an appt just in case.
He would try to drink water, followed by throwing up, he was really uncomfortable, and would go lay in the pool - drink more water, then barf. He would pace, sit, stand and was really hunched and uncomfortable etc. want in the house, want out of the house. The first thing that came into my mind was bloat or a blockage.
But soon after this, he pooped, it was runny and the last bit was bloody.
I emptied the pool so he couldn't drink any more water. He was not himself. I called the Vet again, and we took him in afterhours around 6pm.
I also thought of Giardia (since K likes to drink water form wherever), the Giardia test has MANY false results, and often they have to take more than a couple samples to get results. This test came back NEGATIVE, but it is not ruled out as of yet.
His blood panel came back GREAT, and he was not dehydrated, but he has a ton of bacteria in his bloody stool, and he has lost around 4 pounds - he is 64 pounds. The vet thinks since Sunday/Monday was the first day of Diarrhea it probably took a few days for the bacteria to accumulate, and he more than likely it got bad due to a compromised immune system from the stress of travel. It could have ben from anything really, he had canned food, but I think it was something else, just a build up of everything. Gyp is fine.
I'm just glad K is OK, he got 2 shots to get his system back to normal - a Zantac shot and one for the Bacteria, and is on pills for week, so that should do the trick!
wow you sure know when your dog is sick, it is scary fro Kaleb not to be chipper. Even Pete was worried when he got home from work, and Pete usually thinks I am just over reacting!!!!
I have a nice relaxing evening with a glass of red wine :)
I think I have travel stress too ...
time to find out how much damage there is to my car today GULP. I still can't believe I hit a coyote, I thought it was a fox, but it was just a small coyote. We were just going over an overpass and veering to the left, and it came out of the ditch from the left, I didn't even have time to hit the brake. I also couldn't stop as we were heading over the overpass, and there was a semi not too far behind, I just hope it didn't suffer, but from the looks of my car, I don't think it even knew what hit it, poor thing.
I hit a deer once, but it lived as it ran into the side of my vehicle and I had slowed down because of one that ran across just before.
I also hit a gopher once, and I cried, silly I know, and if Pete is driving and I am in the car, he tries to avoid them, when I am not in the car, I am pretty sure he tries to hit them ....
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
New Brunswick Highlights
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
5 is our number!
My Gyppie girl, where to I start, I had no idea we would place so well, she is still so green in some ways, its only been a year since we started competing, and this September will be our 2 year anniversary together. I still am in shock.
16" Specials Class
**** 5th Place!!! ****
29 dog class
aggregate score 524.13
She ran 5 clean runs of 6 and placed in each of those classes:
2nd Place Jumpers
3rd Place Gamblers
3rd Place Jumpers
3rd Place Standard
6th Place Standard
She also made the Steeplechase semi-finals and finished her Steeplechase Title too!!!!!
At the final presentations I was not sure what to expect, you never know how other dogs do, I was hoping she would finish top 10 since she had run 5 clean runs, so when they called us for 5th place I was so thrilled and proud of my little girlie.
Lucky number 7
What do I say about K! I am soooooooo proud of him!
22" Specials Class
**** 7th Place!!!!!! ****
23 dog class
aggregate score 465.77
He ran 3 clean runs of 6 and placed in each of those classes:
7th Place in both Standards, and a 9th place in Gamblers!!!
At the final presentations, the 10th place dog was called, and the way I had calculated it, we were behind the score of that dog, so I realized K must have finished 11th or 12th, which I was still REALLY happy with.... I wanted him to beat his regional score, which he did by 55 points!!!!
So you can imagine my SHOCK when they called him for 7th place, I am not a big cryer but I instantly starting crying. It was a great moment for the K-man!!!!!!!!!
NOTE: Yes he is a headlock, he REALLY wanted to bolt to the water .... somethings never change.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008
[ Insert Jaws Music Here ]
It's Jane!
The rumours are true ... she is wearing a pink polka-dot-life jacket ... more to come.
dunh dunh ..... dunh dunh ....
a little Gyp
another photo of Gyp sitting on the dock of the bay ...
I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
Ooo, I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time