Happy HELLoween, from Jane and the Hounds of Hell.
We didn't dress up this year, but I wanted to do something fun. I loved telling ghost stories as a kid, you know, with the flashlight under the chin.
Are you arfraid?
43/52 - 52 weeks for dogs
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Sunny side up
This was taken last week ... when is was 21C ... today is frosty and chilly, Fall is here. I needed to post this photo for my own sanity!
k-man strikes again

Saturday, October 23, 2010
there's no place like home :: 42/52
Today Pete and Jane came to visit me on my day off, (Gyp and Kaleb are with me for the week - they come to class with me each day).
It was wonderful day, I miss them alot, but thanks to Skype and my awesome visit with them today, AND my wonderful friends who are hosting me for the week ... I feel closer to home than I am.
Gyp and Kaleb were pretty excited to see her too ...
3 more days and i'll be home :P
I'm away. I'm back at School!!
Monday, October 18, 2010
deal breaker.

Jane and her dad had a good play session, especially when she started humping his arm - her signature move by the way AKA "Getting Jiggy with it"
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Dumbbells, Cowboys and Cuddling
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Agility? What's that?
Gyp will be doing her Therapy work starting in November, we have picked our place - an Extendicare for Seniors. I am really looking forward to it. This photo was sent to me from the day of her evaluation - that is the face of a Therapy Dog, if I do say so myself :)
Lots on the go with the pooches even without as much Agility!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Teepee and Turkey
Then we met up with Pete who had Jane and Kaleb and we headed off to his mom's house ... an 8 hour round trip.
Here are some weekend highlights .... enjoy.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Last weekend Gyp passed her test as a St. John Therapy Dog. She has load of Agility Titles, but this is probably our most practical accomplishment. She has a special way about her, her calm sweet nature draws people in - she can even get people that are scared of dogs to pet her and open up, it's quite an amazing thing to see. I figure she has been great Therapy for me, she would be great at sharing that with others.
It's thanksgiving here in Canada this weekend, and I have lots to be thankful for. It's been a rough year health wise, for me (my damn torn acl and meniscus) and the dogs (Kaleb - Torsion, Jane CHF). I have an amazing support system who happily steps up to help when needed.
I am looking forward to spending the weekend with the whole family, resting, relaxing and enjoying each moment. Bring on the TOFURKEY!
p.s. Jane is doing well, the 4th med we added - another diuretic, really seems to be what she needs to balance everything. It's been a week of normal-for-her breathing and she is happy and calm ... and needs to Pee every 3-4 hours, its like having a puppy!
Have a great weekend everyone!