Today Kaleb is 7 years old. I am not even sure how that happened, I remember the day I picked up our puppy, like it was yesterday ...

The day we got K, my mom and brother were the first to meet him.
We had met with the breeders a few months before his mom was bred and learned about who his dad would be - a dog in Sweden - Kaleb is a "test tube baby" as I like to call it. We also saw the pups at 3 weeks old on another visit. We were rather excited
May the Force be with you.
... So back to the day we got the the dog otherwise known as the K-man ... I drove up myself to go get our pup, (half way in between our 7 hour drive). You'd think a lovely day in May, and a simple 3.5 hour drive would be no problem right? WRONG.
Now if anyone knows Kaleb, they know he is a dog that never gives up - be it for good or bad. Even as a 10 week old pup he figured screaming in his crate for 3 hours would pay off (a taste of things to come). Our breeder picked the perfect dog for us, albeit I want to strangle him sometimes.
About 45 minutes into our trip - I saw a giant wall of dust, I thought to my self, oh must be a farmer in the field stirring that up. WRONG. It was a giant dust storm that lasted what seemed like an eternity (I would say 10 minutes), if you have never driven in a dust storm, think being in a glass of chocolate milk (except is doesn't taste as good), you can't see a thing, just brown, it is the weirdest thing, I didn't want to pull over to the side of the road in fear of getting rear ended. It was awful - and that was just the barking puppy, the dust storm was just down right scary.
Smooth sailing for the last 2 hours ... WRONG. Have I mentioned the FIRE??
Ya, FIRE. So about another hour into our drive - I see smoke. A lot of smoke. I keep driving the smoke is covering the road, and as I approach close I see flames, and a lot of grass on fire. What I couldn't see from the road was the tipped over truck with hay bails on fire. By the time I had driven through the smoke, the flames were jumping the road to the other side. On the other side of the smoke 2 cars has stopped, and in the distance the town fire truck was on its way.
So by this time my knuckles no longer have any colour or feeling, and I can't hear out of either of my ears (the puppy did that).
So we pull up to Pete's moms place ... the vehicle covered inside and out in thick dust, smelling like a forrest fire .... oh and a screaming puppy. There is something to be said for Kaleb's perseverance and the trip to go pick him up. Here's to many more years of barking and being obnoxious K-man!
His mom Ramona turned 13 this week too, that is like 250 years old in flat-coat years.
Our FCR friend, Jazmin turned 11 on March 9th, and Aunt Judy got this great toy for Kaleb's birthday, he loves it and got to open it this morning (Jane really wanted too), thanks Judy!!

OMG!! That is the funniest - has enough time past to say that? =)
Happy birthday K! You deserve it for living those 7 years with a terrier!
Happy Birthday K!!!
that sounds like something that would happen to Sandy!!
Happy Birthday Kaleb....may the force be with you always!!
Happy Birthday Kaleb!!!!
Happy Barkday to you Kaleb!!! Now that's a very weird looking toy. A CAT-erpillar??? And that last picture of him is just hilarious!
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
Happy Birthday Kaleb!!!
happy barkday k-man
Kaleb says thanks for all the birthday wishes :)
Happy Birthday K!!!!
Darbi misses you.
Looks like Kaleb had a great B'day! He looks great!....glad to see Jane didn't take his CAT erpillar away
Great story, handsome fellow. HOpe his b-day was great!
Happy Belated Bithday Kaleb. Sorry that I missed this earlier!!! 7 years young for sure!!
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