Well Kaleb has finally done it! He earned his last gamble leg to earn his Specials Agility Trial Champion of Canada title!
In doing this he also finished three more titles in one run. His Masters Gamblers Title, Masters Game Dog Title, and to top if off he has all of the runs needed for his BRONZE Award of Merit (10 Masters Standard runs, and 25 Masters Games).
This sounds mushy but we have ALOT of people to thank for helping us to achieve this goal!
Kaleb - for always making me laugh, and on occasion cry. And for sometimes making my blood boil, but I love this dog sooo much, he have the biggest heart, and happliy works for me, for a treat and tug toy ...
Pete - for putting up with me trialing and being gone so much for lessons, seminars and everything else. For letting me run your dog :). And giving him a NEW job after his SAR days ended.
Rowdy Jane - for getting me addicted to agility and proving that ANY dog can accomplish BIG things!
Amanda - for listening to all that barking on the way to training, and the encouragement, and that fact that you secretly want a flat-coat. And you are more than welcome to run K as often as you want :).
All of our training friends and students (you know who you are - FAR too many to mention) - for laughing at Kaleb, and then being amazed when he gets it all together! And for all of the support and help with the ups and downs with my boy. I have learned soooo much from you guys!!!!!
Out Team Partners: BB and Jan and Dave who got us through Advanced in two trials! And to Lynda and Cavall for those 2 Masters legs, and Donna and Repeat for that first one!
Everyone I have taken a seminar from with Kaleb: Kim Collins, Terry Simons, Kathy Keats, Shannen Jorgensen, Stew MacKenzie
Susan Sutcliffe - for keeping Kaleb in top form over the last 6 months, it has made a world of difference.
Last but not least: his breeders Hans and Margereta, and our friend Liz Saunders
As the saying goes "It takes a village to raise a child" and in Kaleb's case it is true
... otherwise he may have ended up the Village Idiot!!!!!
Overshadowed by her bro's achievement, Gyp also earned her Advanced Agility Title this weekend!!!! YAY for Gyppie!! More about that later!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! What a great team you are; I love watching the 2 of you run. Way to go Kaleb and Sarah!
AWESOME!!!!!!! Huge congrats!
You guys are a great team and you totally deserved it!!! I am very happy for you! Great Job!
the pics are great! I love how the one with him holding it turned out...super cute!
congratulation kaleb...
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