Kaleb likes the big dog bed or sometimes the red couch, or to lay under my feet.
Jane likes to be on my lap, or in the kennel on the big fluffy sleeping bag.
Gyp is almost always on the red couch sprawled out in all directions.
Gyp has decided she loves new kennel blanket, Jane isn't sure what she thinks about that ...

Jane was whining and trying to pull the sleeping bag out of the kennel to try and get on it, sharing the kennel is above her, she tried to go in with Gyp but she just couldn't do it. ewwwwww dog germs ...

So Gyp didn't budge, and after whining at me to do something about, Jane eventually gave up, and ended up on the red couch.
RIGHT NOW: Jane is in the kennel, Kaleb is at my feet, and Gyp is sprawled out in all directions on the couch ....
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