we worked on proofing contacts, and I am proud to say that Gyp failed miserably! We worked through and with Amanda's help we made some progress in getting her to drive even harder to the bottom. By the end of the session she was really good with having the toy thrown past her, the tennis ball was still too much for her to take! Really her contacts are good, but I'm anal and they could be even better :)
Now that we are back outside I can work on different things each session, rather than one session. So today I worked mostly on contacts, some weaves and just overall handling, it was fun and we got alot done and had some fun challenges.
I took Jane too, I'm not sure what happened, she slipped off the side of the A-frame and started acting funny, then almost fell of the dogwalk, she ran with tail tucked and ears back, she wouldn;t even come out of the tunnel, after a couple of jumps, she tried to run back to her crate, so we ended it, and I think it is actually in her shoulder area she hurt her self, she just looked stiff. i was massaging her tonight and she kept trying to dart away when I worked on the area just behind her shoulders, i feel bad my my janie girl and I hope she is OK soon. She had a big boot around before we trained, and ripped around the house earlier with Gyp like a lunatic, so she might have just overdone it, UGGHH, I sometimes forget she is almost 9. She has been compulsivley licking at her one leg are rear area, I have thought it was her anal glands, but she was licking even more at her hock last night, so that might be the issue, pete thinks it could be a pinched nerve, and when it pinches she licks at it because it feels funny, I will be taking her into the vet / therapist to make sure all is OK.
K is still off too because if his ripped pad.
2 down - 1 to go - hopefully Gyp can keep avoiding an injury ....
awww, poor Janie! I am sure she will be okay in a few days. It is hard to think of Jane as being old, but you are right- maybe she just over did it!
When you went back to backchaining you got the speed back, and the contact. I think you need to work more on that- backchain the whole thing, not just the downside. She needs to transfer the same behaviour to the whole obstacle. And, I think that you should backchain and throw too- not just have the toy at the bottom. It probably will help her to understand better....
I think she did great....
are you going to post the tri color beeotches pic?
yes i will do that NOW THAT WE HAVE MORE TIME!!! I can do 10 or more reps back chaining in increments, whereas this winter it was 2 times tops then you were done, I have to get used to that, I'll keep mixing it up, and keep you there to be my other eyes.
jane has her spunk back this morning, but still has her tail down and has been doing the butt-sctootin-boogie, so i think i'll take her to get checked out.
great pic!
is that a new technique for contact? 4off!
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