This is Kaleb's morning routine for: a sliced pad, a hot spot and a rash on the belly = FUN!!!
Antitseptic and Polysporin on the Pad, followed by adding a fresh kid sock and vet wrap to keep it in place ...
Rubbing Alcohol and Panalog (Nystatin) on the hotspot ...
Antiseptic, Gold Bond (to stop the Itch) and Panalog (Nystatin) on the belly ... it is allergy season again, he only had a couple bumps, but it is itching him and he is starting to lick, so if the rash gets worse, I'll have to start him on Benedryl sooner than later. The goldbond really helps sooth and keep the itch away, and I can use it too to make my shoes smell better :)
I had to post this photo too of Gyp and K, she always lays on him, it is really cute, sometimes she lays like this using his belly as a pillow or she lays with her head on his head. You can also see kalebs cute little foot with the sock on, its amazing, he never once has tried to get it off.
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