I haven't been much into blogging lately, clearly. Lat time was 17 days, took a pic of Kaleb taking a shit and that was 23 days ago. Hopefully this post makes up for it. In the last 3 weeks I've been to Vancouver, the Island, went to 2 wineries, lots of working, lots of training, welcomed a "new" dog to the family, hanging with friends, drinking wine, tagged along bird hunting with Pete and K, and of course watching too many episodes of Breaking Bad.
I was thinking a few weeks ago - wow I really feel like I am beginning to have a defined picture of who I am, I feel like an adult. Then, squirrel. My life is changing and redefining all the time, and I do like the journey, and I am learning to accept those changes. I've been around lots of family and friends in the last few weeks, and they accept me and my eccentric-ness, ADD and OCD tendencies all wrapped into one hyper, off centre person. But there are times, when I am like who the F am I and what the hell do I stand for. Oh well, I guess I'll figure it out as I go, it's worked thus far.
So instead of doing a bunch of writing - here are more photos, I like pictures. Hopefully soon, I'll feel like writing more ...
Vancouver ... love this city. |
My cousin Ruby and I had an epic sword fight with plastic straws on the Ferry.
Arrrrh Matey! |
I loved this Beluga whale session, all about education and operant training. Neat stuff. |
Ruby, doing her Penguin imitation at the Van Aquarium |
Welcome, my mom's "new" dog Pleat. |
Gyp working on her Out of Sight Stays, 2 fun matches on Saturday, and just layed down on one sit -
otherwise he runs were SUPER!! Excited to enter her first Open Trial! |
The boy has been hunting ... he's been doing rather well ... Pete loves hunting with him,
and I love seeing K work - nothing better, at all. |
Gyp also likes Pheasants ... |
Here is Gyp "helping" at class. She is the official Cookie
Tester/Moocher of the year. She especially likes Shannon's pumpkin
treats! Our outdoor classes are done for the year, and I had a GREAT session on the weekend - just me and the dogs. loved it. |
Until next time ... hope less than 23 days next time, who knows!
OMG, you're a Breaking Bad fan too? Yo, awesome, Bitch!
There is no such thing as too much Breaking Bad ;)
we like you just the way you are. OCD, and off center. ;)
i think that all the crap that happens really does make us who we are. we can't really focus too much on that sort of thing or craziness ensues.
i think you should wear that orange hoodie more.... and you should probably post a photo of it on your blog. it pretty clearly defines who you are. ;)
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