Tuesday, September 14, 2010

taking a break.

i'm taking a break from blogging - at least for a couple weeks, i don't really even blog that much - i've always done it for myself as a way to remember things in my life and get my rambling thoughts out there.

in a failed attempt to make my life less complicated, i've added more things to do. and well, for the first time in my life, i have to admit, i can't keep up.

if you miss me - well the dogs i guess - you can read some previous posts from me (or check me out on flickr) there might be some good stuff you haven't read in older posts. for now i need to de-clutter my life and get my shit together and my priorities straight. i live to please and i need to take some time for me, things are slowly unravelling and i have to stop it before the neatly rolled ball of string is just a bunch of knotted up string that can't be undone.

i'll be back.



Karen said...

All the best to you and your dogs, especially Jane.

BCxFour said...

Thinking of you & Jane.

Lori R. said...

I'll miss your posts, but please get back to where you feel like you can breathe again. We'll be thinking about you and Jane and crew.

Anonymous said...

a break is a good thing sometimes. :) take care of yourself.

Sage said...

We'll miss you, but breaks sometimes are necessary. Warm thoughts to Jane.

Jenny Glen said...

Come back when you can - I love keeping up on your adventures and I enjoy your photography

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog. I have a flattie pup, Higgs, and a son named Kaleb so I already feel a connection. I am enjoying your blog and want to show my husband K-man's agility video.
I understand about tough times and know that watching your dogs grow old before your eyes is difficult. I'll be thinking about you and your sweet Jane.

Katie Trachte said...

Spend as much time with your dogs as you can. My heart dog just died suddenly in her sleep at 10 years old. 3 days ago. I never got to say goodbye.

Enjoy life off the computer, as a fellow designer I feel the annoyance of not only WORKING on a computer but wasting time on it too.

Enjoy life and hug Jane...

Loretta Mueller said...

Hugs to you and Jane...you are all in my thoughts!!!!! We miss you already!

D.K. Wall said...

Blogging is supposed to just be fun - so take your time. We will be here whenever you decide to write again.