Saturday, June 4, 2011

unconditional love.

So last night we had to take Jane to emergency - her belly had been getting bigger and by the end of day ballooned up - we were worried about her breathing - long story short, she was not doing well - she wouldn't drink, was woozy, and wouldn't take her meds. The fluid presses on her diaphram and causes her discomfort ... and having to wait until the next day to see our Vet was not an option, she was very restless ... so after hours Vet visit it was. They drained a large amount of fluid again from her - it is now a once a week occurrence - but it makes a huge difference - and she is amazing, she just stands there - not sedation, not a flinch, just takes it - it's like she knows it makes her feel better.

It's funny .. Pete made a good point as we left the clinic with a little dog who felt much better afterwards - and was taking treats, drank water, and exploring the vet clinic like she owned the place.

"It took us 3 weeks to decide on the lawn mower we wanted, and were trying to justify the cost and save a few bucks - should we even buy it, can we afford it? Then without thought or discussion, we drop more than what the lawnmower cost, without the blink of an eye and don't even feel bad about it."

That, my friends is unconditional love :)


Taryn said...

Very well said and defined! Hope Jane feels better.

andrea said...

I'm sorry you had to hit ER but so glad Jane is feeling better ... hang in there -all of you-through this most difficult time

Jen said...

Perfectly said! Hugs to Jane.

BCxFour said...

yep, no question about it. Love trumps $ every time in our book too.

onecollie said...

so true Sarah, it is never a question when your dog is sick, you just do what is necessary for your dog, I had never even thought about money like that before, funny huh.

Koping Weims said...

So glad Jane is feeling better and agree not a thought about money just what we can do to make things better for our dogs


Jenny Glen said...

Hang in there, Jane. Hang in there Sarah.

Nicki said...

Funny how that works huh? Been there. Done that.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting such a beautiful blog. Someone from Dooce sent me the link as I suspect our "perfect dog" Tasha has CHF. I'm devestated. She's been "gagging" a while. Vet thought it's age. But the panting, always laying down, worse gagging, spitting up fluid--I know what it is. I"m asking my DH to bring her to the vet today to see what we can do for her. It's nice to see that meds can extend life and make things easier for her. I can't believe she's 15 and even more so, I can't believe her days are ending. We have been blessed in having her (relenquished from her former owner when we bought the house). Our other border collie (5 and a little shit) adores her as do our 2 year old son. I cherish the time we've had her in our lives and especially the tear jerking photos we have of her laying next to our son since we've brought her home.

I'm glad to see Jane is doing ok. I'll tune in for more. Esp. since you have border collies too.

Take care


angie said...

yep, i'm whining about having to drop another $500 on my pos car, but when dash's mouth swelled up last night, i didn't care what it cost to make him better.