Sunday, March 8, 2009

My girlies ...

I didn't shoot with my new camera nearly as much as I would have liked this weekend, but I did get some practice shooting indoors, and reading, doing some more reading about this monster of a camera. I have taken maybe 40 shots with it so far. I was going to shoot outside this afternoon, but one minute without my gloves and my fingys were freezing, that windchill was brutal ... so we had a great walk, with no camera and photos.

This is my 52 Weeks for Dogs Image this week for FLICKR, and guess what I can't even take credit for it ... Pete shot this photo of Gyp. I would never get this lovey expression from her, she saves this look for her dad only. 

I did manage to get this sweet one of Jane - multi-tasking ... looking lovingly at me, meanwhile glaring at Gyp who was standing behind me with a ball in her mouth ...


Amber-Mae said...

Loving the indoor pictures!

Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer

manymuddypaws said...

i was going to comment on the expression on gyps face. i've never seen her look that way!

cute one of jane

Sarah said...

thanks - the profile pic is from my old camera, I took it in 2005, of is one of my fav Jane pics