Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Interesting knee factoid of the day: The ACL is responsible for 90% of the stability of the knee, and I don't have one. It sort of makes me sick to my stomach to think about it actually.

Have I mentioned how much I love Bar-Knee? Here is our first family photo together from Regionals. Bar-Knee was as reliable a Gyp that weekend, I hope we all can continue to work as a Team.

Sometimes I am astonished at how the human body and technology work together, it is really quite amazing. And yes, I am well aware that I look like a teenage boy.


Visichy said...

You are doing a great job staying behind the line on that gamblers course :)

Sarah said...

LOL!!! So funny that you noticed that!

gussysmom said...

You both look great! I'm so glad you've got Bar-knee to keep you stable.

Deirdre said...

90%, eh? Uh. Well then I'm glad I have strong muscles in my legs!

I noticed you wear the "sock" thingy they give us with the brace. I have never tried it myself.

Sarah said...

no kidding Deirdre ... my physio said the same thing, we probably have stronger legs from compensating without it!!

I've tried without the sock, but with any sort of sweat on a hot day i find it starts to move down too much. it looks dorky but when it's hot out, i use it.