Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Talk smack about me, just not my dogs ... Mmm k?

First off, I don't give a shit if you say something about me - as long as it is too my face and not behind my back. And for the record ... I also hate 2-facers, backstabbers and liars. Um hi my name is Sarah and I can see right through you. oh and P.S. we aren't in grade 6 anymore.

But whatever you do ... Don't say shit about my dogs (especially just to be a mean bully and to try and intimidate me). I can take constructive criticism - but just being a plain old bitch is not cool. Mama bear gets rather mad, well first she gets sad, discouraged then she gets mad - and eventually I try to laugh about it - but it still hurts. I need to learn to have a quick comeback for people like that and learn to call them on it, instead I tend to react to the bear spray and head for the hills and avoid confrontation. I suppose the mature way to react?? Not sure? But like any angry mama bear, one day I might just snap and chew off someones head.

Over the years I've had some very lovely things said to MY FACE (what do people say when it's not to face hmmm) ... About my dogs ... Here are a few gems ...

"there are way better Jack russells than Jane, xxxx is a better, nicer dog"

Says the person who heard about Jane getting attacked in the ring at Regionals "well I guess she got a taste of her own medicine"

Said to me at Nationals in Ottawa "if Kaleb can get the gamble, xxxx can" ... Sorry but your dog didn't get it ... Karmas' a bitch.

"See, now THAT is how you are supposed to do it with a Border Collie"

I am new to the sport of scent hurdle racing and Gyp is a total rookie (YES she is a seasoned agility dog - but this sport she is NEW) and we are still figuring the game out - I really enjoy it and so does Gyp. I don't want to feel like I am holding anyone back, and for part of the night I did. People are always surprised to find out she is a soft dog always looking for reassurance from me - they usually only see the one side of her (the CONFIDENT side) that I worked damn hard to get - its called trust and mutual respect (something human relationships seem to lack). The last statement was said to me during racing on Saturday night - our second race night EVER ... Are people really that awesome - people you thought were maybe even friends? It's been a couple days and I still have a bitter taste in my mouth. Hhhhm maybe some ice cream would help.

On a plus side, here is a photo of our Team from the weekend :)


Dianne SS said...

That is pretty pathetic for people to make comments like that. Sadly there are nasty folks out there that are mean-spirited, petty, and jealous. You have accomplished amazing achievements with all you dogs and I suspect that jealousy was at the root of the comments. I am sorry that you and your scenthurdle team had this happen, but you know the expression, "What goes around, comes around"!

Taryn said...

I guess mean people are everywhere, not just down here in the US. Sorry you had to bear the brunt of someone's pettiness :-(

manymuddypaws said...

funny- all those people who said those things are all pretty similar really. Backstabbers who can't keep friends, liars, and who like to be the centre of attention (did you see her FB status this am??!!).

You can't take what is said to you to heart. I know it's hard not to react, not to feel bad about it- but you know that you and your dogs are awesome.

People who know you, and your dogs know the work you've put into Gyp- and that makes it all the better when you have success. Outside people see that it looks easy for you- but your friends get it.

You didn't hold the team back- that's what is so great about our team. If we cared about winning would we still let Swift run? Every time we race her we know we can't win because we have to hold her back. It's about having fun with our dogs, and testing our training. Gyp will get better- she just needs confidence and lots more practice. We all started out having to help our dogs- there is nothing wrong with that.

As with all sports scent hurdle certainly has it's share of poor sports and diehards. We don't call them the mean team for nothing. We've had ongoing issues with them, and hopefully now that the excutive is changed some other things will be addressed (such as poor sportsmanship)

Gyp is still awesome. (even though she has big feet) :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah....well what total crap...but hey have had many a comment said about my dogs and then those very same people wonder why I want nothing to do with them.
Good for you for walking away not sure I would have not opened my mouth as yes Momma Bear is hard to control sometimes.
Your work you have done with Gyp is fantastic...and hey she is my FAVORITE border collie...
People like those who have made these nasty comments are not worth another moments thought...
Gyp is doing amazing at Scent...it is a learning process for sure...we hope to be ready to be running some races by fall...and there better be no SMACK talking about any of our team...we work hard and do this for FUN with our dogs...but sadly in everything in life there are those trash talkers...we just know we are better than them


WigglyZack said...

People can be so cruel about things they don't even know about.

onecollie said...

I de friended said person on Facebook & it gave me much pleasure :)
Now I will cheer you :)....
"For The Love Of God Amanda!!! Buy a new pair of pants" !!! LOL!!!

Diana said...

There are mean people every where. They seem to be really good at hitting you When you are at a low point. There is a bumper sticker I saw one time, it said "Mean People Suck". And it so true. Just try to think of all the wonderful, nice people you have met and I'm sure they out weigh the number of mean people.

BCxFour said...

"its called trust and mutual respect (something human relationships seem to lack)."

Sadly, you are right. Which is why I prefer dogs to most people.

Stupid people are everywhere, I am sorry you had to deal with one of them.

Judy said...

I can empathize with what happened. Gyp is a great dog and I am confidant she will excel at the sport . Its a lot to expect a dog to act like a veteran at the sport at her 1 st trial....and I saw it from the point of view as the box loader..she did really well, then she got tired as any newbie would.

Just curious why your team doesn't include the box loader in the picture....or offer to extend the same courtesy to Roxy as was extended to Swift.

Sarah said...

thanks everyone :) i'm over it now ... but wow interesting to see people's true colours come out ...

and judy those aren't my calls to make ... i just show up with my dog. hopefully our team meeting will clear the air on some issues.