We had our first Agility trial of year and the dogs did great!
Kim Collins and Nikki Gurr from BC were the judges and the courses were nice, technical and challenging!
Jane was entered in six classes and came home with 4Qs in 3 Masters Standards and Steeplechase, she ran great!! I really happy with how she is running for 8.5 years old, which by JRT standards isn't that old. She needs 8 more Qs for her SIlver Awrd of Merit, which I a very happy about! Considering she only does about six trials a year now.
She also came in second on the wiener dunking finals!! haha, she lost to a beagle (of course), then all she wanted all weekend was to go the spot were the dunking was, she was maniac, I am now paying by smelling her wiener farts ...
Gyp came home with 2Qs, her second Advanced Standard leg, and a 1st and Q in Advanced Jumpers, she now moves to Masters! She was a little wild in a couple of her runs, but I'll take that over her being scared ANY DAY!!! She didn't melt to the ground when she heard the Go! sound, which was GREAT!!! She had great contacts and weaves. I need to practice turning off of weaves and running past contacts with her, as she is somewhat obsessed with both. I was able to challenge our skills, and take chances in these courses which was nice, and I am glad to say she handled great!
She was awesome and I couldn't be more proud! Her intensity level at a trial is I would probably say 20% higher than in training, so this is something I need to be aware of, whereas jane and Kaleb are pretty much the same, so I usually know what to expect.
Kaleb had another great weekend. He brought home 3 Qs, 2 Masters Standards, and got his last Q for his Masters Team Title!! One of Kaleb's Qs was earned by Amanda, she ran him great for her first time with him!!! He missed three weaves entries and popped out once, which was concerning, so I 'm not sure if was the floppy weave poles or him. Only one bar knocked all weekend which was great!
He now only needs one Q for his ATCHC, and he'll get his Bronze Award of Merit, and be half way to his Silver Merit when that happens!!!!
To top the weekend off, the dogs and me were chosen by the Judges as the MARVELOUS MASTERS Team for the weekend, I was honoured!
Next weekend is the first session in Kim Collins Outreach, which I am sooooooooo looking forward too!!!!!!!!!
"Marvelous Masters"!
They give those kinds of 'titles' in Canada on a regular basis?! Pretty cool!
haha Marvelous Masters is just something this trial does as an extra special fun thing, so each level is rewarded, we got a cool wubba toy, nothing official just for fun!!!! but none the less, still nice to get!!!
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