Gyp often comes to class when we are teaching, since we work our dogs either before or after class. Gyppie also enjoys being the Demo dog during the baby dog classes.
She likes to look all pathetic and as if she is locked up for life. Her foot pleading her undeniable innocence ...
She maintains hope that she might get paroled early for good behaviour ...
Don't worry Gyppie, Bosley will bust you out of there!
She would love that!
that is just too cute!
Gyp is the bestest demo dog ever!...she must be a "trustee" LOL!!
Gyp is planning on teaching the next set of classes on her own ...
Awww, look at poor Gyp!
Solid Gold Momma
lol how funny remember my "trusted" blonde guy when he was at the obedience school haha
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