Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thanks for Asking

On occasion I get ASKED if my photos can be used for various projects, fundraisers etc. I have no problem with this, and I have never asked for compensation as long as I am noted as the Photographer. My guys have been featured in a Calendar for a Parkinsons fundraiser, they have been painted, used in various art projects, and Kaleb is the face for Breast Cancer fundraiser for a young lady in New York City who is a dogwalker/trainer, and Gyp's photo is going to be featured in a dog Photography book this fall.

More often, my photos are ripped off and recently one of my contacts from flickr found my photos being sold as someone else's, on a stock photo site. NICE. Not to mention the stolen Identity of Gyp (she was being called Stacy), and let's not talk about the Malaysian Dog Food Ad fiasco ....

I am not going to get into the whole debate about this, because frankly my blood is already starting to boil just thinking about it.

I want everyone to be able to see my photos as it is my one sacred creative outlet, and I love putting smiles on other people's faces and inspiring something in someone. And most of all, I love being inspired by other people's photography, so it is only fair others should see my work. So until I totally freak out over something, my photos will remain public and ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ... which means nothings if you know how to "right click" and download a photo apparently ....

any hoo ...

Here is the recent Art work Gyp is featured on by a Graphic Designer/Producer/Hip-Hop Artist in Georgia ....

El Perro Del Mar - Dog by ~NedLeKim on deviantART


Jenilee said...

OH...THAT IS DIRTY! Shame on people!

Lori said...

I believe there is a way to keep people from being able to right click and copy pictures. I'm not savvy enough to know how to do it, but if you go to one of your colleagues websites (you should anyway because she takes gorgeous shots, just like you do)http://www.erinvey.com/bark/ You'll note you can't right click on her photos.

manymuddypaws said...

Sarah- you can disable right click on your blog, but really all people have to do is copy the screen, and then take the photo. If people want it bad enough they'll get it.

It totally sucks though. I was super annoyed to find Pixel on one of the lolcats sites.

vent all ya want, we all feel your pain!

the album cover looks super cool by the way!

Sarah said...

i know about the right click disabling - i also have a high level of security on flickr - inly my contacts can view large, unless i put a special link. and screen shots don't worry me too much as they can't get the original size and use them for any type of high quality printing.

what really eats my ass is people making a profit off my work. i don't REALLY care about the identity rip off stuff as much, though it still raises my blood pressure.


Maddy said...

I know exactly how you feel Sarah, I've had people steal my photos and i've had trouble with an identity theif stealing Brynn's identity on myspace, I did eventually have them taken down but i just the other day i got a message from a FB friend saying that someone is at it again, this time Brynn's name is 'Willow'.. I'm just so sick of it, I have started putting a watermark through the middle of each photo again.

I'm still trying to get over someone selling your photos as their own! That just makes me sick. Some people truly are dirty. :-((

Have you thought about putting a watermark across your photos, I know it ruins the 'feel' of the photo, but at least it would stop the theives.

Lauren said...

Oh, I hope you keep posting. Your pictures are so inspiring - I hope I can capture my dogs like you are able to one day!
Why people always have to ruin a good thing is beyond me.