Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Why you little!

I often compare Kaleb to Bart Simpson.
Bratty, hardheaded, and obnoxious, but you can't help but love the little guy.

Why you little!
(I WAS actually saying this too him at the time)

Amanda took this photo last night after Kaleb's multiple attempts to dart away from me (not wanting to go back to his Xpen after his turn), I almost peed my pants when I saw it. If you have ever seen Kaleb do his Backwards Bucking Bronco[TM] move, you would laugh too. I love this dog.

And what about Jane and Gyp you ask?

Jane would be Maggie, she may be small, cute, and look all innocent, but she packs a Glock and khows to use it. She shot Mr. Burns you know.

And then there is Gyp, little miss perfect...

The sweet, smart, sheep loving know it all.
Does this make me Homer? DOH!

I should have thought this through a little further. I do love a good donut though.


manymuddypaws said...

omg that is the funniest thing ever.

TAG ALONG said...

Sarah... this is hilarious.. I love the pic of K...

Sarah said...

yep pretty much sums up our relationship hehe

i think i might frame that photo.

BCxFour said...

Homer - That is HYSTERICAL! Love love love it!

Life With Dogs said...

Will you get to run a power plant now? ;)

Kristina Zambrano said...

Oh my LoL hahahaha sarah you are the simpson family in live? ... xD how funny way you wrote the post

opalmoonlight said...

I have been following your blog on my google reader for a few months now. i also have a 10 year old white jack russell- named opal. i love your description of jane as maggie simpson, that fits opal very well too!

oddman said...


Do you like mmmm... green goo-oo-oo-oo...? or mmm..mmm.. chocolate chip cookies...? or mmm... mmm... hogfat? Mmmm.....

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Sup i'm new to this. I hit upon this forum I find It amply useful & it has helped me out a great deal. I should be able to contribute and aid other people like it has helped me.

Thanks, Catch You Around

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Hiya im new to this. I came upon this site I have found It vastly useful and its helped me out alot. I hope to contribute & help other people like its helped me.

Thanks, Catch You Around.

Anonymous said...

Hey im fresh to this, I hit upon this board I have found It truly accommodating & its helped me alot. I should be able to give something back and assist other users like its helped me.

Cheers, Catch You Later

Anonymous said...

Sup im fresh here. I came upon this website I find It exceedingly helpful & it's helped me so much. I hope to give something back and support other users like its helped me.

Thank You, See Ya Around.

Anonymous said...

Heya im fresh on here, I came accross this website I find It exceedingly useful and its helped me a lot. I should be able to contribute and help other people like its helped me.

Cheers all, Catch You About.

Anonymous said...

Aloha i am fresh here, I stumbled upon this board I find It amply accessible & it has helped me tons. I should be able to give something back and aid others like its helped me.

Thanks, See You About.

Anonymous said...

Aloha i'm fresh on here. I came upon this forum I have found It vastly accommodating & it has helped me a lot. I hope to contribute & aid other users like its helped me.

Cheers, Catch You Later