Sunday, January 30, 2011

my little dog ...

my little dog :: 1/12/Jane, originally uploaded by sarah ....

... a heartbeat at my feet.

It's been 4 months since her diagnosis of CHF (Congestive Heart Failure) she is still having more good days than bad, and we cherish every one of them. She is enjoying the simple things like, car rides, cuddles and eating what ever the hell she wants (healthy choices).

She has had a couple near fainting spells in the last 3 days, which is awful and scary - and new. She gets winded so easily now and we have to be so careful not getting her too excited. But amazingly, she still has energy, is eating well, and still has the sparkle in her eyes. She is noticeably losing some muscle mass now, especially in her back end - though she has gained a bit of weight back in the last 2 months.

She also has a loose tooth. Our Vet won't take it out as she is too high risk and fragile, so she has been referred too 2 specialists in Calgary, but at this time we have decided to leave it be. Since we changed her food again, she is not biting at her skin and the tooth seems to not be bugging her like it was 2 weeks ago.

I can't imagine the thought of not having her by my side and waking up with her every morning. I'm not sure how to even go about missing her when she's gone, and that scares the crap out of me. This sounds strange, but I've never really lost anyone super close to me, my Great-Grandma lived to be 102 and while it was sad, she went peacefully in her sleep. My dad's, dad passed away when I was 3. Pete's Grandpa passed away when we were in College, and that was hard as I knew him well.

Wow that's a morbid topic for a Sunday, but I just needed to get it out.

So for now, we just love little Janer every second of the day :)


Jules said...

I am glad she is continuing to do well. When I saw the title of the post I was frightened for a moment.

Debbie said...

I lost my beautiful Mindy last year after a relatively short cancer illness that was untreatable so I went through some time when I knew for sure I would lose her. She was 12. Cherish each good day with your own beautiful girl and try not to dwell on what the future holds would be my advice.

WigglyZack said...

Cherish every minute with her. I went through the same thing with my Cavalier and I know what you are going through. Sounds like Jane is still enjoying life and is happy for now..a good owner and watching what she does, what she eats, etc. helps so much with her day to day well being. Jane is lucky to have you and vice versa.

Nicki said...

All you can do is love them while you've got them. I felt the same about Oreo-he was the closest thing to me that I ever lost. I still miss him, but I survived.