Friday: New Truck!
Saturday: visit with flattie pups!
Sunday: Agility Fun Match ...
Our group got together today for once last time at the Barn, ran a few courses, and then moved equipment across town to our outdoor facility for the summer.
I had fun watching Jane and Kaleb be run by Jenilee, her young Border Collie Neena wasn't running today. I love watching other people run my dogs. Jenilee did a great job, she ran the Standard with Jane and the Jumpers with Jane and Kaleb. Jane even grabbed horse poop on her classic Jane drive-bys. It was Jenilee'e fisrt time running Masters courses - or any courses really! THANKS AGAIN JEN!! I hope you had fun!
Gyp was really good today, after I got my act together we had a great Standard, with lots of reinforcement on course on third time running it. I've started back to tugging again at the end of contacts now that she is driving harder into position, with a quite release. I was rewarding too much and too high value for the releases (proofing stuff), so the 2o/2o position seemed to be losing some value - and precision. I had been proofing with a toy at the end to release her to it, but I was reinforcing the release more than the position. In only a couple training sessions, it seems to have helped to go back to high value tugging on the contact.
We ran Jumpers twice, and I handled it two different ways in one area with 4 jumps (serp and f/c-r/c), both times were almost the same, so I'm still not sure if one way was faster, both felt smooth. I was hoping one would be better, but I guess I know I can do both if need be.
I ran Jane in Jumpers too at the end and she was great - Jane's 4th run of the day - and my first with her!!! Jane was givin'er and had an awesome run - I wish I had that fast confident dog in all situations at all trials. I still love running her after all these years :)
Gyp was really good today, after I got my act together we had a great Standard, with lots of reinforcement on course on third time running it. I've started back to tugging again at the end of contacts now that she is driving harder into position, with a quite release. I was rewarding too much and too high value for the releases (proofing stuff), so the 2o/2o position seemed to be losing some value - and precision. I had been proofing with a toy at the end to release her to it, but I was reinforcing the release more than the position. In only a couple training sessions, it seems to have helped to go back to high value tugging on the contact.
We ran Jumpers twice, and I handled it two different ways in one area with 4 jumps (serp and f/c-r/c), both times were almost the same, so I'm still not sure if one way was faster, both felt smooth. I was hoping one would be better, but I guess I know I can do both if need be.
I ran Jane in Jumpers too at the end and she was great - Jane's 4th run of the day - and my first with her!!! Jane was givin'er and had an awesome run - I wish I had that fast confident dog in all situations at all trials. I still love running her after all these years :)
Beer and Pizza! We have the best facility and the owner is great, he thanked US for being so great this winter. We are so lucky to have the facilities we do!
We loaded up equipment, headed back out to our outdoor facility (which are also VERY lucky to have) and the outdoor Agility season now commences! We have the BEST group of Agility Addicts around, here's to a great summer gang!!
I'm so excited for the outdoor season, I've already de-stinked my dog bag, my kennels, dog beds, the dogs AND my vehicle! Everything is barn-stink free! YIPPPEEE!
how did Kaleb do with Jenilee? Was there lots of bribery... ;o)
I am glad the moving went well!
He did great! She played with him and did some tricks, she just ran him in the starters Jumpers, he did really well, they ran clean and he was fast, he actually didn't even look for me :( LOL I think she was more used to a his size than with little Jane!!
Thanks again Sarah...it was fun to work with your dogs. It actually had me thinking that maybe I should just run your dogs all the time. In fact, I'll lend you Neena for the next year or two and whle you train her I'll just run your dogs? Ok?
Hey Jenilee, don't tempt me .....
I think that is a good deal, for both sides!!! HAHA!
All it takes is abouthalf an hour of frsh air to get rid of the barn smell.
It was a great Fun Match! We had a good time
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