Monday, October 20, 2008

The devil made me do it.

Please, please, for the love of dog, make the voices stop ...

"I've come to suck your blood. I've come to suck your blood."

"The devil made me do it. The devil made me do it hahahaha"

"HA HA HAHA cackle cackle HA HA HAHA"
Jane has tried to destroy the witch already, but the cackling continues. I woke up this morning to "the Devil made it do it, the Devil made it do it hahahahaha" at 6:30 this morning, and it continues ......

Why the voices you ask?? 
We won the Halloween Costume contest at our Agility Trial this weekend - and the prizes were these "fun" toys. I love dressing up and this was the third year we have won! I gave them the toys last night when we got home, and they've continued to play with them all day. They worked hard this weekend playing Agility, and tolerated their costumes like pros, so it was the least I could do for them - even if the toys are driving me SLIGHTLY nuts!!

We have one more Halloween Party this weekend at Go Dog Go, our costumes will be revealed then!

I'll talk about our Agility weekend in another bloggity dog blog post tomorrow.

Thank dog, the dogs are sleeping right now, the voices have stopped!!

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