Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wieners: 101

Jane in champion form, focused, with her eyes on the prize.

Its that time of year again, the Wiener Dunking Championships. The competition is getting fierce. Jane better not get too comfortable, there are some up and comers she needs to be aware of. Though she doesn't seem worried and we've been doing our pep talks and cross training, you can never be too sure. The other dogs know she is good, she is a terrier, and terriers rule. 

Last year she got beat by Sadie a Smooth Fox Terrier,
 Jane says:
"That little you know what, has an advantage because her nose is so long. Why is her nose so long anyway, who does she think she is. She's not bad for a rookie I guess", oh jane be nice, she's a Terrier too.

Sadie using the brace on the leg technique, for more power, again all focus.

There are many techniques to this intense and sometimes messy sport:

There are the the "you've-gotta-be-kidding-me" and "you-want-me-to-do-what?" dogs, they never have a chance, Jane says "You either have it, or you don't. And what's with the costume on that dog, it is so not flattering."
See the wieners, they are right here!

Then there are the OTHERS, the Retrievers and Retriever-mixes. They have had some success over the years too, they tend to have great technique and are fast, but sometimes they tend to get too excited and fling water everywhere and forget about the wieners.

Coulee, all business, serious leg brace going on there, but she should be looking at the bowl, not the competitors, that could lose valuable time.

THEN ... 
there are those dogs that talk the talk, but can they walk the walk, 
well can ya SKID! You know who you are ....

Jane says "Just because you are as cute as me, and cute for a boy, and have charisma like no other, doesn't win you extra points buddy, we'll see you at the wiener-filled-plastic-bucket, and don't even think about looking in my direction!"

All photos from Paws on the Run


miradukesadie said...

Sadie says "oh its on - you little white bugger!"

Kim said...

I think that it is best if the Berners just stay out of the way.

Sarah said...

LOL!!!! little white bugger!

oh come on Kim, one quick swallow and it would all be over!!!! They would love it!